Checkpoint: Sonoma

You've now made it to the town of Sonoma, California! Sonoma is considered part of Wine Country,
unsurprising due to its close proximity to the famous Napa Valley.
One interesting bit of history regarding Sonoma is the Bear Flag Revolt. When Mexico had control over California, they knew war with the United States was coming, and as such,
Mexico forbade American immigrants from buying or renting land, and thretened to expel them as they had entered without official permission. As such, a group of Americans stole
a herd of 170 Mexican government-owned horses, and decided to seize the weapons from the Sonoma Barracks to deny Sonoma as a rallying point north of the San Fransisco Bay. They would
take the barracks, and use them as headquarters. These people (known as The Bears), would join forces with the military troops from John C. Frémont's camp, and together took two
captured Mexican field pieces, muskets, ammo, blankets, cattle, and horses. The Bear Revolt ended when the commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Squadron learned of what was happening,
and helped the Bears in their efforts.
As far as notable people from Sonoma, it has been the home of Chuck Williams, founder of Williams Sonoma, video game designed Tim Schafer, all-star MLB pitcher Thornton Lee, as
well as lead guitarist for Metallica Kirk Hammett (all information courtesy of, image courtesy of
Cullen328 / CC BY-SA).
To further explore Sonoma, click here
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