Checkpoint: Duck Key

Welcome to Duck Key! Unfortunately, I was unable to find an image liscensed to be republished
of Duck Key specifically, the picture at the right is a satellite view of the Florida Keys (image courtesy of Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC / Public domain).
Similar to Key Largo, Duck Key is primarily a vacation destination, and thus does not have a large amount of interesting facts, but is a beautiful island with a lot
of things for tourists to do.
Duck Key has the Hawks Cay Resort, a beautiful resort with a large pool, private balconies, bike rentals, beach access, just about anything someone could want out of a
resort, though all of that does come at a price, as it will cost over $200 each night for even a small room.
As far as things to do, Duck Key features swimming with dolphins, and multiple fishing charters, but the main attractions here are the beautiful beach, warm and sunny
weather, laid-back lifestyle, bike riding, and everything else that goes along with a vacation on the beach.
(information courtesy of TripAdvisor).
To further explore Duck Key, click here
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