Checkpoint: Osceola

Welcome to the town of Osceola, Iowa! This town's name is derrived from a Seminole Native American leader of the
same name. The name is an anglicized version of Asiyahola: assi, a ceremonial holy tea, and yaholi, the name of a god intoned when the drink is served.
The building pictured to the left is The Masonic Building, which stands in Osceola's public square (image courtesy of Bill Whittaker (talk) 20:29, 4 May 2009 (UTC) / CC BY-SA
). It was used by Osceola Lodge 77 of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, with the main floor being a bank and hardware store. However, the building began to fall into disrepair, with the Iowa
Historic Preservation Allliance putting it on their most endagered list. However, in 2011, the building was renovated with some grants. The second and third floors were converted into upscale
apartments, and the restaraunt downstairs was remodeled, now using both halfs of the bottom floor.
The town is also home to Lakeside Casino Resort, a river boat-themed casino which has been in operation since 2000. However, in that time, the casino has changed hands multiple times.
Lastly, while Osceola has not been home to many notable people, it is the birthplace of Dwight Harken, who was an innovator in the world of cardiac surgery, as well as the first person
to come up with the idea for an Intensive Care Unit, something which has become extremely widespread (all information courtesy of
To further explore Osceola, click here
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