Checkpoint: New York City

You've made it to New York City, The City that Never Sleeps ! There are so many interesting aspects
about New York City, it really only makes sense to read about it yourself, but we'll cover some of the most interesting things here.
This city was the site of the largest battle in the American Revolution, the Battle of Long Island. The British won this battle, prompting them to make it their political and military
base in North America. The city attracted loyalists refugees as well as escaped slaves, as Britain promised freedom by the crown for all who fought. This prompted as many as 10,000
escaped slaves to come to New York City and fight for the British.
In more modern history, as mentioned in the New York page, this was the site of the Stonewall Riots, which helped massively to advance the rights of the LGBTQ community. Tragically, it
was also one of the sites of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Two of the four hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, with the third one hitting the pentagon, and the
fourth landing in a field in Pennsylvania. These two events alone give New York City a mixed reputation in modern history. One of both equality, and of tragedy.
As far as notable people from New York City, it has had the likes of John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jordon, and countless others either be born or at one time live in this city (information
courtesy of (city), and (people from city),
image cortesy of Ajay Suresh from New York, NY, USA / CC BY).
To further explore New York City, click here
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