Checkpoint: Niagara Falls

You've reached the Niagara Falls, on the border between the United States and Canada!
Niagara Falls is actually made up of three separate falls. The most famous is the Horseshoe Falls, is known as the Canadian Falls, and straddles the border of
the two countries. However, the smaller falls, American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls, both lie within the United States.
These falls were formed at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation, as glaciers were receeding, and water from the Greak Lakes, which had only recently been formed,
carved a path down towards the Atlantic Ocean.
Today, Niagara Falls is a massive tourist attraction. On the Canadian side, floodlights are used to light up the falls from dark to midnight. In 2007, the number of visitors
was expected to toal 20 million, and had increased to 28 million in just 2 years. One of the most popular attractions is the Maid of the Mist boat cruise. This
was started in 1848 and takes visitors into the rapids and right under the falls. The Canadian side has a very similar attraction, referred to as Hornblower Cruises (all information
courtesy of, Saffron Blaze / CC BY-SA).
To further explore Niagara Falls, click here
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