Checkpoint: Cedarville

You've made it to Cedarville, Ohio! Originally, this town was referred to as Milford, and was platted in 1816. A post office was established
in 1837, and the name was finally changed to Cedarville in 1843.
During the 1800's, Cedarville's public life was defined by the Cedarville Opera House located downtown. This opera house is pictured on the right, and survives to this day, even being listed on the National Register
of Historic Places (image courtesy of Nyttend / Public domain).
The town also hosts several events, including CedarFest, which is used to distinguish the town as the birthplace of James H. Kyle. CedarFest is celebrated around Labor Day, including a parade, a performance from the
high school marching band, pancake breakfast, carnival games and rides, and more, being finsihed off with a fireworks display on the Sunday prior to Labor Day. In addition to that, the town hosts the Little Town of Lights
during the first weekend of December, which includes people coordinating light decorations, and competing for best display, hay rides, pictures with Santa, caroling, and a live Nativity scene.
Finally, Cedarville has been home to neveral notable people, including Ohio Governor Mike Dewine, MLB player Bumpus Jones, politician James H. Kyle (as previously mentioned), and Christian post hardcore band Wolves at the Gate
(all information courtesy of
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